

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $49.00.

Feel Like Everything You Eat Goes Straight To Your Belly

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4-Second “Red Juice Ritual” Kills Cravings & Melts 35lbs Of Embarrassing Belly Fat Without Strict Dieting or Any Exercise

“You Drink Some and Literally Forget To Eat!” Raves Sandra Wilkens, 62, Who Lost 57 Pounds & 11 Inches Off Her Waistline

In Just 4-Seconds Every Morning You Can:

  • Quickly flatten your stomach without exercise or skipping meals
  • Get an amazing surge of sustainable energy that lasts all day long
  • Thin out your thighs, shrink your waistline, and slim your hips
  • Experience improved mental focus & concentration
  • Melt away even the most stubborn hormonal belly fat after 45

It Led to the Unexpected Discovery Of a 4-Second Morning Ritual That Completely Changed Our Lives Forever

A little-known secret buried deep in the desert of Western Africa that’s so powerful and so unique…

My wife melted away 3 pounds in the first 3 hours…

And another 32 pounds after that.

Her doctor was shocked when she came in for her first checkup…

Looking like a completely different woman.

All of her belly fat was practically gone…

Her thighs were so much thinner…

Her skin looked perfect…

Her face looked 15 years younger like when we first met in high school…

And her waist got so tiny…

She treated herself to an entire day of shopping for new jeans and dresses…

Because even the clothes she saved from her early 20’s…

Were way too big and loose around her hips.

All Thanks To A Breakthrough 4-Second Morning Fix That Left Her Barely Recognizable To Her Family & Friends

After years of failed diets attempts…

Nearly ruining her body from too much cardio…

She finally broke free…

And all those feelings of hopelessness, struggle, and anger finally faded away…

Right along with her belly fat that she couldn’t get rid of after having our twins.

And the crazy thing is…

All She Did Was This Weird “Red Juice” Ritual Right After She Woke Up

As a new mom with baby twins who kept her up all night long…

She didn’t have time to spend hours making healthy meals every day…

And there definitely wasn’t any time to go to the gym.

It was like she was fighting just to make it through the day.

After months of trying every diet out there…

It was like a blessing from God that this fat-burning secret literally landed in our laps…

Just as my wife hit her breaking point…

And was on the verge of giving up for good.

Instantly transforming her belly from flabby to bikini-ready…

In just a matter of weeks.

Her energy was off the charts…

Her brain fog was completely gone…

And she was more alert and focused than she’d ever been before.

While her confidence shot through the roof…

Her nagging aches and pains disappeared…

Her sex drive came back stronger than ever…

And her self-esteem, which can drop dramatically after having kids…

…was higher than it’d been in years.

Leaving her doctors, her best friends and even her parents shocked…

Dying to know how she did this all so fast.

All Thanks To This Unbelievable Breakthrough Backed By the Latest Scientific Research That’s So Fast & So Simple…

It finally eliminates the number one hidden culprit behind your nagging belly fat, slow metabolism, and accelerated aging…

That most women and men over 45 don’t know about.

And it has nothing to do with your genetics…

How much do you eatय़

Your family history…

Or your hormones.

This super-simple “red juice” ritual…

That takes as little as 4 seconds a day…

Was first discovered as an anti-aging secret…

On the southwest coast of West Africa…

Just a few years ago…

Little did they know at the time…

This Juice Ritual Quickly Reduces Body Weight, Body Fat, and Waist Size In Women and Men Of Any Age

You’ll Also Get The Following Three Bonuses Absolutely FREE With Your Order of MetaboFix Today

Free Bonus #1: 7-Day Rapid Fat Burning Protocol

As a nutrition coach for the past decade…

I’m no stranger to helping people get the weight off fast.

And over the years, whenever someone comes to me struggling…

On the verge of giving up…

I always start them off with this 7-day rapid fat burning protocol.

It works hand in hand with MetaboFix to give you the fastest results possible…

In the shortest amount of time.

And we’re not talking about eating a bunch of boring oatmeal, salads, or dry chicken…

Now you can have blueberry waffles…

Bacon cheeseburgers…

Triple cheese pizza…

And chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.

When you combine this 7-day rapid fat burning plan with the slimming benefits of MetaboFix…

You can DOUBLE your results in HALF the time…

Without ever feeling hungry or deprived.

Free Bonus #2: 12-Hour Flat Stomach Detox

If you want to lose a couple of pounds FAST…

Or if you just want a quick jumpstart to help flatten your stomach…

Simply follow this fast and easy 12-hour protocol…

Which is designed to take up to an inch off your belly…

And the best part is…

You don’t have to skip any meals…

Or go on some crazy juice detox that doesn’t work.

This is the exact 12-hour protocol I only give to my personal clients…

When they need to lose a lot of weight FAST…

Or if you fall off the wagon…

And have a cheat meal or three…

Simply follow this for the next 12 hours to start flattening your belly before you go to bed.

Free Bonus #3: 30 Fat-Burning Bedtime Desserts

Do you know what’s fun?

Eating dessert before bed!

Look, I know I’m a health coach, but…

I’m also human.

This means I LOVE my sweets and treats…

Giving them up just isn’t an option…

But instead of eating a 1,000 calorie pint of ice cream…

That ruins your waistline…

I came up with 30 brand NEW fat-burning dessert recipes that you can eat guilt-free…

Right before bed…

And still wake up with a flatter stomach in the morning.

And these aren’t tiny little desserts…

I’m talking big bowls of triple chocolate ice cream…

Giant chocolate chip cookies…

And my personal favorite…

Chocolate lava cake that you can make in less than 2 minutes…

With just 3 ingredients.

Once you have these…

You’ll never go back.

And you can get all three bonuses…

Which normally cost $97…

Absolutely FREE when you place your first MetaboFix order here today.

Here are the most common questions about MetaboFix.

How Does MetaboFix Work Again?

MetaboFix is a breakthrough metabolism-boosting formula featuring green mango, Aronia berries, cinnamon bark, mulberry fruit, black pepper fruit extract, and over 25 other powerful ingredients…

To help stop fat storage and increase fat loss.

Over the years, the one thing I’ve found with everyone struggling to lose weight is…

They weren’t getting nearly enough of these new types of polyphenols…

Especially if you’re doing keto, paleo, fasting, or any other type of low carb diet…

This is why it’s so easy for your results to stall.

However, when your body starts getting more of these nutrients it desperately needs…

It helps block fat storage…

While increasing fat burn.

When Can I Expect To See Results?

Everyone’s body is different…

However, most people tend to see positive results within the first 48 hours.

Whether that’s losing those first few pounds…

Noticing your jeans fitting a bit looser around your waist…

Your face thinning out…

Feeling more energetic and active…

And with anything, the more consistent you are, the better your results will be.

How Do I Know if MetaboFix is Right For Me?

Well, if you still eat fast food for every meal and wash it down with a gallon of soda…

Then I’d recommend trying to clean up your diet first.

However, if you eat reasonably healthy…

Or if you’ve dieted in the past and nothing ever works for you no matter how hard you try…

Or if you think your metabolism is slow because the weight never comes off…

Then MetaboFix is for you.

How Can I Make My First Order?

Most smart people choose the 6 jar option below…

That way you’re covered for the next 6 months and the savings are the highest…

And you don’t have to worry about ordering more when your first batch runs out.

Once you click the button below…

You’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form page.

Simply enter your information and your shipment will be on it’s way.

It usually takes 5-7 business days for it to arrive at your door…

However, once you place your order…

You’ll receive instant access to all three fat-burning bonuses…

So you can start using those…

While your MetaboFix makes its way to you.

You’ll also receive an email with our customer service contact information.

That way you can reach out anytime, night or day…

And we’ll be here to help and answer any questions that come up.

How Often Should I Use MetaboFix?

The bare minimum I’d recommend is mixing one big spoonful in a glass of water first thing in the morning.

However, if you think your metabolism is really slow…

Or maybe you just want to get faster results…

You can have another glass in the afternoon…

And after dinner…

Or whenever you feel your energy start to drag…

As an extra fat-burning boost.

How Does Your Money Back Guarantee Work?

If you don’t get the results you want…

Simply let us know…

And you’ll get a full and prompt refund with no questions asked.

Will MetaboFix Work For Someone My Age?

We’ve had people in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond get amazing, life-changing results…

That’s because as you get older…

Your mitochondria slow down and die off…

Which makes it harder for your body to break down calories and fat.

However, when you get the right mix of nutrients to fix this…

You can start burning fat again, and…

It seems to work better the older you are.

How Long Will The Discounted Jars Be Available?

Honestly, my manufacturers have been begging me to remove the discount for weeks…

Because they feel like I’m cheapening the product by giving it away for so little…

However, I know how it changed my life and Nubbia’s…

And I want you to have the same opportunity we did…

Without having to eat pounds of fruits and veggies around the clock.

This way, you can just take one tiny capsule and have it do the hard work for you…

So while I’m going to fight to keep this discount going…

I can’t guarantee it’ll be here past today.

So please, take advantage of these discounted jars while you still can…

Because I would hate for you to come back tomorrow…

And have to pay the regular price of $97 per jar.

Simply choose the 6 jar package below to get the best results and the most savings…

Or whichever package works best for you…

And take the first step to the thinner, healthier you.


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